Coronavirus Update
The latest news from the government has sparked some uncertainty, but at the moment I will still run classes until advised not to do so
or if the numbers become very low. My classes will be limited to 8-10 people only.
I will make sure that everyone will keep some distance apart and
I will use less tactile cueing.
I am also going to limit the number of props used for the class and
I will not be using head cushions.
Please note that the mats and props are regularly cleaned.
I will provide a gel and antibacterial wipes to use.
You are welcome to bring your own mat, head cushion,
towel if you prefer.
Please, if you have cough or cold symptoms I kindly ask you not to attend classes and to follow the government and NHS guidelines.
I might consider running online classes or forward you a link to an exercise video. This way you could continue exercising from the comfort of your own home. Please let me know if you are interested.
Thank you for your continued support, and I would like you to know that I will try my best to support your health and wellbeing over the coming weeks.
Please could you let me know if you are coming for a class as it will allow me to plan:
Thank you Aga Berrylands Pilates